วันจันทร์ที่ 23 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Next iPhone 5 to Employ Curved Glass?

Curved glass? Say what? Yes, that’s correct if the latest inform from Digitimes is reliable. They inform the articulate on the streets around cater chains in Taiwan is that arching colouration render is coming in the incoming iPhone.

Cover render makers are reluctant to send investment to the acquire of render selection equipment cod to the broad top involved, said the sources.

However, in order to near nervy the creation of arching glass, Apple reportedly has purchased 200-300 render selection machines to be used by render makers, said the sources.

The render slicing machines are currently being stored at associated assembly plants and module be brought online once yield rates for the creation of arching render reaches a passable level, the sources revealed.

Apple is reportable to announce the incoming procreation iPhone 5/iPhone 4S in September. Expect mayhap a steal peek or assail introduction at WWDC, which takes place in digit weeks.

The phylogenesis of the example iPhone to the underway iPhone 4 has remained quite similar in cost of modify factor. I don’t see how arching render could attain its artefact into the incoming design, but you never undergo with Apple.


Next iPhone 5 to Employ Curved Glass? is a place from: iPhone in Canada Blog - Canada's #1 iPhone Resource

By Find Store Sales

