A newborn Cydia draw called SwipeBack has meet been released by famous iOS developer, Ryan Petrich. The draw which is currently in beta, brings a intercommunicate supported deciding to the default “back” button on jailbroken iOS devices which lets users go backwards digit travel within an app using a single left-to-right swipe. To attain SwipeBack impact with @chpwn‘s Zephyr tweak, which allows intercommunicate supported change between apps, you module requirement to use two fingers swipe intercommunicate for app switching.
You can grab SwipeBack beta for liberated by adding the following repo to your Cydia sources:
(Launch Cydia > Tap Sources > Tap Edit and then Add the above repo. Search for SwipeBack and install)
* No newborn icons module be additional to your bag concealment and there are no settings to configure!
Navigate Back With A Swipe Gesture On Your iOS Device With ‘SwipeBack’ [Cydia] is a place from: iPhone in Canada Blog - Canada's #1 iPhone Resource
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