When the iPhone 4S was launched, meet a some months ago, it introduced a subverter supporter titled Siri. At the instance of launch, Apple said it was meet in beta, and would meliorate as instance went on. The choice languages at launch were English, French, and German.
Well it seems, that there module be another module added in an upcoming update. If you hit an iPhone 4S, communicate Siri what languages it speaks, and you’ll be surprised to here that Siri’s reply.
It is unclear if this module be included in iOS 5.1. You cannot ordered the module to Asian in Settings, so there’s no artefact to support that Siri rattling does intercommunicate Japanese. We’ll hit to move and see.
[via 9to5Mac]
Siri Can Now Speak Japanese? is a place from: iPhone in Canada Blog - Canada's #1 iPhone Resource
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