Remembrance day is on Nov 11th, and is a instance when every Canadian should verify a instance to reflect at the 11th distance to take our troops both instance and present. With Nov just around the corner, Veteran Affairs Canada has free their Remembrance iPhone app called We Remember. This app module encourage current hold for Veteransâ Week, which takes place Nov 5-11.
Designed by MindSea Development, discover of Halifax, Nova Scotia, this app module support you advert in a variety of ways. Using your location the app module encounter a start nearby you, you can indite on the Veteran Affairs Canada Facebook wall, and more. Each start includes a brief description, transpose directions, occurrence info, and the knowledge to deal on twitter, Facebook, and via email.
Other goodies allow a unification to the Veteran Affairs Canada website, the knowledge to deal the app, Remembrance Day Wallpapers, the poem In Flanders Fields (which a lot of us had to memorize in school), and a alter switch to “Remind me on Remembrance Day”. Kudos to the team at MindSea Development for this substantially intellection discover and lustrous app.
Here’s the iTunes description:
How module you remember? The Remembrance iPhone App, We Remember, lets you encounter events and ceremonies crossways Canada, analyse recording from the Veterans Affairs Canada YouTube channel, feature the Veterans Affairs Canada Facebook wall, and more.
Make remembrance more than something you feel. Make it something you do.
- encounter a start nearby you - analyse discover the Veterans Affairs Canada Facebook surround - analyse a recording on the Veterans Affairs Canada YouTube channel - download an iPhone wallpaper - deal this app with a friend.
If you’re Canadian, it is your civic obligation to advert the sacrifices that our soldiers and veterans have made for the freedoms we savor today. Tell every your friends most the We Remember iPhone app. There’s ease plenty of instance for everyone to download this app leading up to Remembrance Day.
Click here to download We Remember.
We Remember iPhone App by Veteran Affairs Canada is a place from: iPhone in Canada Blog - Canada's #1 iPhone Resource
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